San Mir Astana company grows organic apples under Agrobusiness – 2020 programme

ASTANA – Astana-based private company San Mir Astana grows organic apples as part of the Agrobusiness – 2020 programme to develop the agro-industrial complex in the country. Initiated by...

New York-based streaming platform Filmatique releases Nariman Turebayev’s “Adventure”

ASTANA –, a New York-based online streaming platform, released Kazakh filmmaker Nariman Turebayev’s FIPRESCI (International Federation of Film Critics) prize-winning film “Adventure.” Ursula Grisham, who is responsible for...

Pianos for public use installed around Astana

ASTANA – A creative project under the name Street Piano was launched here for the first time by the Astana socio-entrepreneurial corporation, according to the press service of city’s...

Container train from London to Yiwu makes first trip through Kazakhstan

The first container train from London to Yiwu passed through the territory of Kazakhstan, according to the press service of Kazakhstan Temir Zholy National Company.   The train departed...

Kazakh scientist creates unique catalyst for oil

ASTANA – PhD and Senior Lecturer of the Kazakh National Research Technical University (KazNITU) and the Kazakh-British Technical University (KBTU) Khadichakhan Rafikova has discovered a greener form of rhodium-iridium...

Astana to begin light rail system construction in May

ASTANA – The city administration will start construction on a $1.8 billion light rail transport system (LRT) in Astana at the end of May. “A consortium of Chinese companies...

EBRD finances irrigation in Aktobe, Zhambyl and South Kazakhstan regions

ASTANA – Climate change is affecting rainfall and water availability in Kazakhstan. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is joining a strategic programme to significantly upgrade irrigation...

Kazakhstan’s transport, logistics opportunities presented at Turkmenistan conference

ASTANA – Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ) national railway company presented May 4-5 Kazakhstan’s transit-transport development, multimodal logistics, freight traffic and infrastructure opportunities at the Turkmenistan International Transport and Logistics...

Authorities in Karaganda region using all available tools to battle corruption

ASTANA – Last year, Kazakhstan was ranked 131st of 176 countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index. This, among many other factors, prompted government officials to develop various tools...

Kazakh officials promote nation’s business opportunities in Latin America

ASTANA – Senior Kazakh officials last week toured Latin American countries to promote Kazakhstan’s business opportunities while Mexican business representatives visited Kazakhstan to explore investment opportunities. Kazakh and Chilean...

Kazakh boxing team member wins gold at Asian Championships

ASTANA –Kazakh national boxing team member Vasily Levit recently won individual gold at the Asian Boxing Championships in Tashkent, becoming Kazakhstan’s first three-time winner of the event. “It was...

Radar station production plant starts operation in Kazakhstan

ASTANA – The Granit-Thales Electronics plant, a joint Kazakh-French venture, has started production of the new generation Ground Master 400 radar equipment in Kazakhstan. The project is being implemented...

Kazakh businessperson creates clothing brand on French Riviera

ASTANA – Almaty businessperson Madi Sypatayev decided to change his life in 2011 by moving to France with his wife and three children. He later launched his own clothing...

Financial sector repair needed to spur growth in the Caucasus and Central Asia

While the Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA) is facing a somewhat better external environment, prospects for growth remain subdued relative to historical standards, and risks remain tilted to the...

Military parade commemorates Fatherland Defenders’ Day, Victory Day marked

ASTANA – Kazakhstan held the largest military parade in the nation’s history in Astana’s Independence Square May 7 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the country’s...

Kazakhstan’s open investment policy, EXPO, attract foreign investors to do business

ASTANA – Kazakhstan’s efforts to draw foreign investors have marked the country as the “foreign investors’ haven” in Central Asia. For U.K.-based Aggreko, a supplier of temporary power generation...

Health insurance classes to be added to Kazakh medical school curriculums beginning in September

ASTANA – Kazakh medical schools and colleges will begin in the next academic year to teach courses on healthcare issues and policies, Kazakhstan Yelzhan Birtanov announced May 3. Birtanov...

Teatro alla Scala to perform in Astana during EXPO 2017

ASTANA – Soloists, the chorus and symphony orchestra of the legendary Milanese Teatro alla Scala will perform in September at the Astana Opera House, according to the opera’s press...

Japan presents plans for container transit route through Kazakhstan to Europe

ASTANA – Representatives of Japanese economic organisations, companies and think tanks discussed Japan’s plans to develop container transit from Japan to Europe through Kazakhstan and China with Kazakh, South...

Kazakhstan develops road safety plan, fatalities decline

ASTANA – The Ministry of Internal Affairs has developed a national concept for road safety until 2020 to reduce accidents and increase enforcement. “Your recommendations are important for us...

Latest Astana process talks establish de-escalation zones in war-torn Syria

ASTANA – The fourth round of the Astana Process talks on Syria on May 3-4 ended with the signing of a document envisaging the creation of four “de-escalation zones”...

Fourth Astana Process Talks Achieve Gains Toward Peace in Syria

Ending the conflict in Syria has proved to be stubbornly difficult. The lack of trust between opposing sides has led to unbearable suffering for the people of Syria. In...

Kazakh stunt men nominated for Taurus World Stunt Awards

ASTANA – Stunt coordinator Zhaidarbek Kunguzhinov and his team Nomad Stunts have been nominated for the Taurus World Stunt Awards for coordinating and performing stunts in the 2016 Russian...

Kazakh military is strong, regionally integrated and dedicated to peace

Every year, Victory Day on May 9 marks the moment when we celebrate the end of the Second World War and commemorate those who gave their lives. Kazakhstan sent...

Entertainment, cultural events to be presented around Astana during EXPO 2017

ASTANA – The Astana akimat (city administration) will present free and paid cultural and entertainment events throughout the city during EXPO 2017. Events will include international festivals and exhibitions,...

Kazakhstan, Japan and CTBTO seek discussions ahead of Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty review

Kazakhstan, Japan and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) issued a joint appeal to launch the first of a series of preparatory discussions ahead of the 2020 review of...

Nazarbayev University to host conference on good governance, diversification in resource-dependent countries

ASTANA – The Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Public Policy (NU GSPP) has announced plans to hold “The Good Governance and Economic Diversification in Resource Rich Economies” conference Aug....

Kazakh-French Business Council meeting examines non-traditional investment opportunities

ASTANA – There is great potential for France in non-traditional investment spheres in Kazakhstan, Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Vice Chairman Nurzhan Altayev told the Kazakh-French Business Council (KFBC)...

Kazakh, Central Asian FMs reaffirm cooperation at Central Asia+Japan Dialogue

ASTANA – The foreign ministers of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Japan reaffirmed their cooperation across sectors at the May 1 Central Asia+Japan dialogue in Ashgabat. The group...

Centre of Cultures and Religions strengthens interfaith harmony, patriotism

ASTANA – Twenty foreign and five Kazakh participants representing leaders of world and traditional religions and international organisations dealing with issues in the field will get together in the...

Fitch Ratings affirms Kazakhstan’s BBB rating

ASTANA – Fitch Ratings has confirmed Kazakhstan’s Long-Term Foreign- and Local-Currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDR), evaluating it at BBB with stable outlooks. The issue ratings on the state’s senior...

Kazatomprom, KazNU establish centre for uranium industry professionals

ASTANA – Kazatomprom, the country’s national atomic company, and Kanysh Satpayev Kazakh National University (KazNU) have established a scientific and educational nuclear centre where high-skilled professionals will be trained...

Astana launches tri-lingual electronic library at bus stop to spread reading culture

ASTANA – The first electronic library in the capital has been installed at the Khan Shatyr bus stop, said Akim (Mayor) Asset Issekeshev in a May 1 Facebook post....

Cooperation and peaceful resolution is the key for the future, says anti-nuclear activist

ASTANA – Tore Naerland, president of Bike for Peace Norway (BFP), has been nominated for the Kazakhstan Peace Prize for a Nuclear Weapons Free World and Global Security, the...

Kairat futsal club wins bronze at UEFA Cup for the third time

ASTANA – The Kairat futsal club placed third in the 2016-2017 UEFA Cup’s Final Four, the third time the Almaty club has won bronze medals in the tournament. The...

Kazakhstan’s biggest automobile holding celebrates 25th anniversary

ASTANA – Bipek Avto-Azia Avto, Kazakhstan’s largest automobile holding, celebrated its 25th anniversary in April. During the quarter century, the company went from a modest AvtoVAZ dealer to the...

Kazakh FM discusses cooperation with US, British and UN officials in New York

ASTANA – The UN Security Council under the American chairmanship held ministerial level thematic debates on the theme of non-proliferation/DPRK in New Your April 28. The Kazakh delegation was...

Huawei Academy opens in Almaty to support local ICT education

ASTANA – Huawei recently opened the first in Kazakhstan Huawei Authorised Information and Network Academy (HAINA) in Almaty based on the Kazakh-British Technical University (KBTU), according to the company’s...

Kazakh-Uzbek ties strengthen amidst frequent presidential contacts

ASTANA – Relations between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan received another boost when the two countries’ leaders met April 29 in Saryagash, a small Kazakh town famous for its healing mineral...

Kazakh law enforcement officials win world hand-to-hand combat championship division, team places second

ASTANA – The Kazakh hand-to-hand combat team, consisting of law enforcement officials, placed second in the April 21-24 World Hand-to-Hand Combat Championship in Moscow. Kazakhstan’s national team included five...

Government proceeds with privatising state property, says vice minister of finance

Let us accept as a given: no state will give up its role in a market economy. Even guided by the idea of encouraging entrepreneurship, even going for large-scale...

Turkish Atlas Global launches Astana to Istanbul Flights

ASTANA – Turkish air carrier Atlas Global (former Atlasjet) launched April 28 direct Astana to Istanbul flights. The flights will be carried out twice a week on Tuesday and...

Kazakhstan to introduce online platform to facilitate job exchange functions

ASTANA – An electronic labour exchange, a free unified database providing labour market information, will be launched in September, said Vice Minister of Labour and Social Protection Birzhan Nurymbetov...

Kazakh FM visits Middle East, invites heads of states to OIC science and technology summit

ASTANA – Kazakh Foreign Minister Kairat Abdrakhmanov visited Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait April 23-26 to invite their heads of state to participate in the Sept. 10-11 Organisation of...

Family upbringing is key to preventing youth radicalisation, says top Kazakh official

ASTANA – State bodies and civil society institutions should strengthen efforts to modernise public awareness with an emphasis on zero tolerance for any activities related to radical manifestations, especially...

EU Ambassador in Astana talks about Rome declaration, Brexit and Cooperation Agreement

ASTANA – Diplomatic ties between Kazakhstan and the European Union (EU) were established in 1993. Today, the EU is one of the country’s main political and economic partners. Ambassador...

Assembly of the People will assist in Kazakhstan’s modernisation, says President

ASTANA – Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev told the 25nd session of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (APK) that the assembly will be instrumental in achieving the country’s...

Kazakh dancer instructs salsa classes, finds her rhythm in Toronto

ASTANA – Aktobe-born and raised, Gulsaya Tuleu has been teaching, choreographing and performing lively and exciting salsa for years at Baila Society (BASo) in dynamic and multicultural Toronto. One...

Government explains new foreign investment strategy, creation of Kazakh Invest national company

ASTANA – Kazakh Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev and other top officials presented April 27 the outlines of the draft National Investment Attraction and Retention Strategy and the recently created...

Foreign experts address biodiversity needs at Almaty gathering

ASTANA – The current global financial needs for biodiversity management are $150-440 billion per year, while expenditures are estimated at $52 billion, said Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) senior technical...