Kazakh construction companies introduce blockchain contracts

ASTANA – Ualikhan Nysanov is the latest Kazakh businessperson to incorporate blockchain into his business model. As the developer of AIDA Service, the construction company owner is using the...

Kazakh Invest launches call centre, CRM system for investors

ASTANA – Kazakh Invest is seeking investors to implement 17 projects worth $16.4 billion this year as part of the 2018-2022 national investment strategy, said Kazakh Invest Board Chairperson...

Damu Fund supports Kazakh geneticist in dental invention

ASTANA – Kazakh genetic scientist Bauyrzhan Aituov has made a breakthrough in the incipient treatment of cavities. His technology, called InnoDent, features biocompatible implants that stimulate the natural regeneration...

Band brings American Bluegrass music to the Kazakh steppe

ASTANA – On a cold winter night, one of the capital’s pubs is swept away by the sounds of bluegrass music, which seems unusual for the surroundings. Astana Bluegrass...

EU, Kazakh officials call for stronger cooperation at Brussels forum

BRUSSELS – Kazakh government officials and high representatives of European Union institutions discussed prospects for Kazakhstan-EU cooperation in light of the Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (EPCA) signed in...

Astana mayor sees major social, ecological, urban planning and development programme changes

ASTANA – Capital Akim (Mayor) Asset Issekeshev is proud of his city. The latest project, a light tram network from the airport to the new railway station which will...

Kazakh domestic pharmaceutical production up 79.8 percent in 2017

ASTANA – The Kazakh pharmaceutical industry increased production of the country’s most popular medications by 73.1 percent with production increasing 79.8 percent over 2016. Prices for pharmaceutical products in...

EBRD supported 177 SMEs and 62 female entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan in 2017

ASTANA – The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Kazakh government provided subsidies for management consulting services last year to 177 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Special...

Kazakh domestic carmakers increase sales 43.2 percent

ASTANA – Kazautoprom Union of Auto Companies published January’s results of new motor car and light commercial vehicle sales. Kazakh customers purchased 3,122 cars spending $73.9 million, a 43.2-percent increase...

Boraldai Saka burial mounds welcome tourists in Almaty

ASTANA – Tourists to Almaty now can visit the Boraldai Saka burial mound archaeological complex, which in addition to the ancient necropolis showcases the reconstructed burial mound and a...

Kazakh movie about National Guard hero premieres

ASTANA – “Sixth Post,” a feature film about the courage and heroism of National Guard soldiers, premiered recently in the capital. The picture is based on the life of...

Kazakhstan makes ‘meaningful progress’ in extractive industry transparency, report suggests

ASTANA – The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) determined Feb. 13 that Kazakhstan has made meaningful progress overall in implementing the EITI Standard. The decision was made based on...

Kazakhstan strives to become corruption-free country

Today, we are becoming more and more aware of the problem of corruption in our country. In the past, we used to talk about how big and relevant this...

Astana’s 20th anniversary programme to include art festivals

ASTANA – The programme to celebrate Astana’s 20th anniversary this year will include performances by more than 500 artists from around the world. “The Parade of Capitals international cultural...

U.S. forensic experts rule out fatal accident in Tokmadi case

ASTANA – Specialists from the United States invited to Kazakhstan to reconstruct the crime scene in the Tokmadi case recently concluded that the gun in question could not shoot...

Kazakhstan removed from list of most corrupt countries

ASTANA – Kazakhstan improved its ranking nine spots to 122 and was removed from the list of the world’s most corrupt countries on the recently released 2017 Corruption Perception...

Radicalisation, drug trafficking, environment are key EU-Central Asia security challenges, say experts and officials

ASTANA – Fighting terrorism and extremism, including radicalisation, tackling drug and arms trafficking as well as environment and water management issues are among key security challenges faced by the...

YBYRAI Young Programmers’ League – first step in world of high technologies

In the digital era, the rapid development of which we are now witnessing, everything is changing: the economy, the state system and even society. At the forefront today are...

Digital Kazakhstan: transforming through modern technology

The Digital Kazakhstan state programme was approved in December 2017. It is an important programme that aims to improve the standard of living of every Kazakh citizen through the...

Kazakh skier’s bronze medal more than 20 years in the making

PYEONGCHANG – Kazakh Winter Olympic Team Head Coach Yelena Kruglykhina said recently that Kazakh skier Julia Galysheva’s Olympic bronze medal in PyeongChang in the moguls was more than 20...

Astana FC makes incredible comeback in Europa League match against Portugal’s Sporting

The return match of Europa League’s 1/16 round between Kazakhstan’s Astana FC and Portugal’s Sporting ended in a 3-3 draw in Lisbon on Feb. 22. The fate of the...

New humanitarian knowledge in light of Fourth Industrial Revolution

In April 2017, a policy article “Course towards the future: modernisation of Kazakhstan’s identity” by President Nursultan Nazarbayev was published. Among many, there is one specific project called New...

Kazakhstan proposes developing roadmap for Kazakh-EU cooperation

BRUSSELS – Kazakhstan has suggested developing a roadmap to implement the Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (EPCA) between the nation and the European Union (EU) and its member states....

Linguistic taste of time

Linguistic scholars rarely step into the spotlight of the nation’s historic events. Their everyday research work is routine and monotonous and may seem boring and ordinary for an amateur:...

TCO reaches record-high oil production in 2017, seeks to expand in 2018

ASTANA – Last year was a milestone for Tengizchevroil (TCO), the Chevron-led joint venture operating the Tengiz oil and gas field in Atyrau region, as the company achieved a record-high...

Cardiac surgeons conduct artificial heart transplant

ASTANA – The specialists of the National Scientific Cardiac Surgery Centre conducted Kazakhstan’s first artificial heart transplant Oct 19, 2017 for a 60-year-old Pavlodar native, kazakh-tv.kz reports. The innovative...

Venerable Kazakh confectionery aims to edge out imports with local sweets

ASTANA – Bayan Sulu, a Kazakh confectionery based in Kostanai, produces 31 percent of local sweets and is launching new products to replace imports and boost exports. Since its...

Kazakhstan supports latest UN report’s call for gender equality

ASTANA – Kazakhstan is committed to the type of gender equality called for in the UN Women report published February 14, UN officials said. “Kazakhstan has also committed to...

Kazakhstan adopts new version of Latin-based Kazakh alphabet

ASTANA – President Nursultan Nazarbayev amended his Oct. 26, 2017 decree concerning the transition of the Kazakh alphabet from Cyrillic to Latin script, which if kept, would have put...

Two new eco-friendly trams added to ‘tram capital of Kazakhstan’

ASTANA – Pavlodar Tram Management recently put into operation in Pavlodar the first two of 23 eco-friendly, climate-equipped trams as part of Pavlodar’s ongoing Public Transport Development Strategy. Trams...

Bank Astana introduces microbusiness loans for entrepreneurs

ASTANA – Bank Astana recently introduced microbusiness loans for entrepreneurs, reported Forbes.kz. The loans are up to 3 million tenge (US$9,330) for a maximum of 24 months. Kazakhstan’s one...

UN in Kazakhstan: 25 years of two-way street cooperation

ALMATY – Foreign Minister Kairat Abdrakhmanov, Almaty Mayor Baurzhan Baibek, heads of the United Nations (UN) country offices in Kazakhstan, veterans of national diplomatic service and members of the...

Report summarises Kazakh civil service reform results, defines improvement priorities

ASTANA – The Kazakh government has approved a report describing the stages of development of the civil service in the country, analysing the current state of the system, and...

Digitisation programme expected to produce five-fold return on investment, says official

ASTANA – Implementation of the Digital Kazakhstan programme is entering its active phase, said Kazakh Minister of Information and Communications Dauren Abayev at a Feb.16 extended board meeting of...

People are Kazakhstan’s greatest asset, says Lithuanian ambassador

ASTANA – Lithuania celebrated Feb. 16 its 100th anniversary of independence restored after World War I. To highlight the date, Lithuanian Ambassador to Kazakhstan Vytautas Nauduzas told The Astana...

One of Kazakhstan’s 100 New Faces introduces new breast cancer diagnosis, treatment methods

ASTANA – Dana Bashibayeva, one of Kazakhstan’s 100 New Faces, calls on women to put their health first and has introduced new methods of breast disease diagnosis and treatment....

We want to continue to be real partner for Central Asia, says EU Special Representative

ASTANA – The European Union (EU) seeks to further expand its partnership with Central Asia and refine new cooperation mechanisms to address existing and emerging security challenges, said EU...

Kazakh company to export feathers to Europe

ASTANA – Kostanai-based NabasFabrik will begin exporting feathers to European Union (EU) countries for the first time in the nation’s history. The regional administration is doing everything possible to...

Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies climbs 7 spots in global think tank ranking

ASTANA – The Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies (KazISS), the state institution providing research and analysis to President Nursultan Nazarbayev and the Kazakh government, climbed from 147th place to...

Ski resort to be built in Bayanaul tourist zone

ASTANA – Tourists delight in visiting picturesque and invigorating Bayanaul in the Pavlodar region, where a ski centre offering winter getaways will be constructed on Myrzashoky Mountain. The government...

Kazakh authorities detain suspected members of eight organised crime groups

ASTANA – Eight organised criminal groups were detained Feb. 15-16 during special large-scale operations in the Almaty, South Kazakhstan and Zhambyl regions and the city of Almaty, said Oksana...

Second wave of privatisation: three most profitable companies unveiled

ASTANA – Kazakhstan is set to sell 877 companies, including 215 assets of the Samruk Kazyna Sovereign Wealth Fund, through the 2016 to 2020 second wave of privatisation of...

Aral Sea revival challenges discussed in Astana

ASTANA – Kazakh government officials and representatives of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) discussed mitigating the effects of the shrinking Aral Sea during a Feb. 19 symposium in...

Most counterfeit products sold in Kazakhstan advertised via internet

ASTANA – The Kazakh state revenue committee investigation department has determined the largest supply channel of counterfeit products is the internet, reported expert officer Elmira Kalygulova at roundtable on...

ALZHIR museum displays artefacts from Soviet-era female political prisoners

ASTANA – The Akmola Camp for Wives and Mothers of Traitors of the Motherland (ALZHIR) museum has put on display 44 certificates, photos and personal items belonging to Soviet-era...

2,800 HIV-positive cases in Kazakhstan last year, prevalence remains low, says health official

ASTANA – Last year, more than 2,800 new HIV cases were detected in Kazakhstan, though the prevalence of HIV in the country remains low, said Vice Minister of Healthcare...

China’s Development Bank registers at AIFC

ASTANA – Astana International Financial Centre’s (AIFC) Financial Services Regulatory Committee recently registered the Development Bank of China, which makes it the 10th participant of the centre. It is...

Kazakhstan’s external debt increases $75 billion in 10 years

ASTANA – Kazakhstan’s external debt has increased $74.6 billion to $168.9 billion in the past ten years as of October 2017, according to Kazakh National Bank press service. The...

Kazakh Agrotechnical University to be country’s centre for agro-sector digitisation

ASTANA – Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University will become the scientific and methodological centre for digitisation in the agro-industrial sector, university rector Akhylbek Kurishbayev said at a Feb. 16 press...

Kazakh association takes initiative to create rules of the game on crypto-currency market in EAEU

ALMATY – Organisers of the Feb. 16 International Crypto Conference 2018 in Almaty said their goal was to become a “translator of the Eurasian view on the problems of...