Articles by Aiman Nakispekova

Kazakh Textile Artistry on Display at Asia Now Fair in Paris

ASTANA – The Fabric of Time: Three Generations of Kazakh Art exhibition, featuring contemporary works by Kazakh artists, took place at the Asia Now Fair in Paris on Oct. 19-22, reported Kazakh Tourism national company’s press service.  The exhibition showcased works by Daria Nurtaza, Alibay Bapanov, Aidana Kulakhmetova, Saule Madiyeva, Almagul Menlibayeva, and Syrlybek Bekbotayev.…

Kazakhstan to Ratify Tokyo Convention to Enhance Higher Education Integration in Asia-Pacific

ASTANA – Kazakhstan aims to ratify the Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education, commonly called the Tokyo Convention. The initiative aims to enhance cross-border mobility, recognize higher education qualifications, and integrate into the educational framework of the Asia-Pacific Region.  In an interview with The Astana Times, Yerzhan Irgebaev, Deputy Director …

Ruins of Tuimekent Reveal Significance of Kazakhstan’s Heritage

ASTANA – Out of the 33 historical sites in Kazakhstan listed in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), five are situated in the Zhambyl Region, which includes Akobe (Stepninskoye), Kulan, Ornek, Kostobe, and Akyrtas, a mysterious palace complex. Another significant cultural heritage site in the country is the ancient city of Tuimekent,…

Kazakh Cheese Entrepreneur Joins International Guild

ASTANA – Kazakh entrepreneur Yekaterina Payazitova from the Abai Region became a member of the International Cheese Guild (La Guilde Internationale des Fromagers) at the Le Mondial du Fromage international cheese competition in September. Payazitova spoke about the challenges of the competition and what it means for her to join the guild in an interview…

Central Asia’s Future in AI Era: Experts Convene at Digital Bridge Tech Forum

ASTANA – Central Asia’s IT sector, its key characteristics, the role of human capital in AI development and the outlook for innovative cooperation among Asian states were discussed by experts at an Oct. 13 panel session at the Digital Bridge forum in Astana.  The participants addressed challenges in the region’s IT industry, shared best practices,…

Unlocking Kazakhstan’s Digital Potential: Key Insights from Digital Bridge Forum

ASTANA – Digital Bridge international technology forum’s panel session, Kazakhstan – IT country, on Oct. 12, addressed the country’s achievements in IT, its focus on digital transformation, and the role of collaboration, education, and innovation in advancing the IT sector. Addressing the panel session, Bagdat Mussin, the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation, and Aerospace Industry,…

Kazakh Movie Set to Premiere at Tokyo International Film Festival

ASTANA – The world premiere of “Madina”, a film directed and produced by Kazakh filmmaker Aizhan Kassymbekova, is scheduled to take place at the Tokyo International Film Festival on Oct.23-Nov.1, according to the festival’s press service.  The film will be featured in the Asian Future competition section. “Madina” is a social drama that delves into…

European Parliament Aims to Forge Stronger Ties with Kazakhstan

ASTANA – Kazakh Deputy Foreign Minister Roman Vassilenko held meetings with members of the European Parliament (MEPs) during his working visit to Strasbourg. The discussions centered on future cooperation with the European Union (EU) legislature and the forthcoming report evaluating the 2019 EU Strategy for Central Asia, currently under preparation by members of the EP’s…

Kazakh Prime Minister Talks Oil Field Development with ExxonMobil Executive

ASTANA – Kazakh Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov discussed the development of the Tengiz and Kashagan oil fields with ExxonMobil Senior Vice President John Whelan on Oct.4, reported the Prime Minister’s press service.  Smailov and Whelan focused on implementing projects related to the expansion and pressure management at the Tengiz, the further development of the Kashagan oil field,…

President Evaluates Capital’s Key Heating, Water and Power Infrastructure Projects

ASTANA – Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev inspected industrial facilities in Astana, visiting the Turan and the South-East gas thermal power stations’ construction sites, the pump-filter station, and the Combined Heat and Power Plant-3 (CHPP-3), reported the Akorda press service on Oct. 4. Astana Akim (Mayor) Zhenis Kassymbek reported completing the South-East gas thermal power station…

NYFA and AlmaU Forge New Film Education Partnership in Kazakhstan

ASTANA – New York Film Academy (NYFA) and Almaty Management University (AlmaU) signed a cooperation agreement in educational programs in New York on Sept.16, reported Kazinform news agency. This partnership, supported by the Dara Presidential Initiatives Fund, marks a significant milestone in the collaboration between higher education institutions in Kazakhstan and the United States. A…

UNICEF Talks Focus on Future of Youth in Kazakhstan 

ASTANA – The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Kazakhstan hosted its annual UNICEF Talks conference on youth issues on Sept.23. The conference, held in Astana in the format of public talks, provided a platform for young people to freely express their views on matters related to their interests and rights, reported the UNICEF press service.…

LCOY Kazakhstan Empowers Youth to Lead Climate Action Efforts

ASTANA – Nazarbayev University hosted the Local Youth Climate Conference in Kazakhstan (LCOY Kazakhstan 2023) in Astana on Sept.28.  The event plays a major role in the mission of YOUNGO, the official youth constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Youth Kazakhstan. The annual…

Charting Bright Future: Expert Recommendations for Kazakhstan and Central Asia’s Development

ASTANA – The leading researchers from the United States and Kazakhstan presented their recommendations for addressing long-term development issues in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. The event was organized as part of the Oxus Society for Central Asian Affairs’ Kazakhstan Futures Program at Nazarbayev University on Sept. 21. The Oxus Society for Central Asian Affairs program…

Kazakhstan’s Trade Turnover Soars to $ 39.4 Billion in First Six Months

ASTANA – In the first half of the year, the trade turnover of finished products by Kazakh manufacturers reached $ 39.4 billion, marking a 22 % surge compared to last year. Within this figure, the country’s exports of non-commodity goods accounted for one-third, totaling $ 12.1 billion, reported the prime minister’s press service on Sept.…

Kazakhstan Showcases Demographic Policy Model at International Summit in Hungary

ASTANA – Families play a crucial role in nurturing the younger generation, providing them with essential guidance, affection, and support, said Kazakh Minister of Culture and Information Aida Balayeva at the fifth Budapest Demographic Summit on Sept. 14-15, reported the ministry’s press service.  This enables young people to develop a sense of security and readiness…

Cosplays Champions and Hollywood Stars Steal Spotlight at Comic Con Astana

ASTANA – Comic Con Astana, an international festival dedicated to the comics industry, cinema, video games, anime, and other directions of modern popular culture, announced the winners of its professional cosplay contest with a total prize pool of 10 million tenge ($ 21,186) on Sept. 17, reported the festival’s press service. The contest awarded a…

AI in Media: Revolutionizing Efficiency and Provoking Ethical Questions

ASTANA – Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the media industry by automating numerous tasks and raising ethical concerns about potential information manipulation, according to media expert Alena Gorbacheva, who spoke to The Astana Times. Gorbacheva has over 16 years of experience working in key positions in Kazakhstan’s major TV channels, producing different types of content.…

Kazakh President Visits Expo Central Asia Exhibition in Dushanbe

ASTANA – Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev visited an exhibition featuring Central Asian product manufacturers during his official visit to Dushanbe, which coincided with the fifth Consultative Meeting of Central Asian Heads of State, reported the Akorda press service on Sept. 14. The leaders of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Azerbaijan toured the national pavilions, gaining…

Astana Hub Battle Prize Fund Increased Fourfold to $ 75,000

ASTANA – The prize fund for the Astana Hub Battle, the largest IT startup competition in Kazakhstan, has been quadrupled to $ 75,000, reported the Astana Hub press service on Sept.15. Taking place in Astana on Oct. 12-13 as part of the Digital Bridge international technology forum, the Astana Hub Battle is a key component…

Riders Conquer 850-Kilometer Challenge in Great Steppe Race

ASTANA – The ninth leg of the Great Steppe Race marathon, featuring 12 teams covering a total distance of 850 kilometers, commenced on Sept. 14, reported the Turkistan Region’s akimat (administration) on Sept.14. Riders from Astana, the Mangystau Region, the Zhetysu Region, and the Kostanai Region aim to complete an extraordinary 1,300-kilometer journey, ultimately reaching…

Kitap Fest Almaty Promotes Open-Mindness, Celebrates National Literature

ASTANA – Almaty hosted the annual Kitap Fest Almaty book festival on Sept. 9, offering a platform for individuals who cherish creativity and talent, reported the festival’s press service.  This year’s festival edition was dedicated to City Day and revolved around the theme of “National Literature. National Language. National Traditions.” The festival featured a book-illustrated…

Kazakhstan’s Astana Opera Theatre Embarks on Georgia Tour

ASTANA – Astana Opera is set to debut its “The Steppe Motives in Tbilisi” program at the Rustaveli National State Academic Theater in Georgia on Sept. 23, according to the theater’s press service. The program will showcase both Kazakh and international masterpieces, featuring the theater’s leading soloists. The symphony orchestra and choir of Astana Opera…

Kazakhstan-Malaysia Partnership: Advancing Trade, Innovation and Prosperity

ASTANA – Kazakhstan is set to open its first Honorary Consulate in Penang, Malaysia, this fall. Datoˊ Wira Louis Ng Chun Hau, the founder and executive chairman of Public Gold Group, a prominent group of companies specializing in physical precious metals trading and minting in Malaysia, has been appointed the Honorary Consul. He discussed his…

Altynsarin Book House Shines as Hub of Culture and Knowledge in Astana

ASTANA – The Almatykitap publishing house opened the Ybrai Altynsarin Book House on Sept.5 in Astana, to bolster international collaboration in book distribution, fostering a culture of reading, and preserving national spiritual and cultural values. It is named after a distinguished progressive educator who dedicated himself to promoting forward-thinking education in the Kazakh steppes. This…