NUR-SULTAN – Kazakhstan has been committing to promotion of the gender equality agenda in the context of the country’s international devotion to the implementation of the principles of the Beijing Platform for Action and the Sustainable Development Goals, Kazakhstan’s First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Akan Rakhmetullin told Anita Bhatia, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and UN Women Deputy Executive Director.

Rakhmetullin and Bhatia during their meeting in Nur-Sultan. Photo credit: Kazakh Foreign Ministry
The nation is equally firm in its intent to improve the mechanisms for women’s rights protection and women’s empowerment.
Bhatia and Rakhmetullin discussed how Kazakhstan and UN Women can work together to address gender-based violence, women’s economic empowerment, and broader representation at the decision-making level.
Bhatia said Kazakhstan is considered a regional leader in the implementation of best international practices in the field of gender equality and addressing gender-based violence.
As part of her visit, she also met with Human Rights Ombudsperson Elvira Azimova and Deputy Head of the National Commission on Women and Family Affairs Lyazzat Ramazanova.
“We discussed the importance of gender equality and women’s empowerment, the improvement of legislation on domestic violence and the opportunity for Kazakhstan to host a hub on women’s empowerment,” she wrote on her Twitter following the meeting.