ASTANA — Kazakh cyclist Alexey Lutsenko won the gold medal at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou on Oct. 3, reported the National Olympic Committee’s press service.

Alexey Lutsenko. Photo credit: National Olympic Committee.
He completed the distance of 39.6 kilometers in 48 minutes and 5.75 seconds.
On the same day, cyclist Rinata Sultanova covered 18.3 kilometers in 25 minutes 36.10 seconds, bringing the bronze medal to the country.
Danil Mussabayev won the silver medal in trampoline gymnastics.
Margarita Torlopova and Ulyana Kiseleva won the silver medal in the canoe double 200-meter final. Brothers Timofey and Sergey Yemelyanovs won the canoe double 1,000-meter final silver medal.
Maria Brovkova brought the bronze medal to the national team in the canoe single 200-meter final.
Kazakhstan’s national team has five gold, ten silver, and 29 bronze medals.