ASTANA – A Tulip sculpture honoring the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and the Netherlands was unveiled in the capital’s Botanical Garden, reported the Kazakh Foreign Ministry’s press service on April 25.

Tulip sculpture in the Botanic Garden in Astana. Photo credit: MFA’s press service.
Deputy Foreign Minister Roman Vassilenko, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Kazakhstan André Carstens, representatives of the diplomatic corps, the capital’s akimat (administration) and the public attended the ceremony.
“A tulip is a symbol of peace, happiness, prosperity and renewal, and two countries are home for this fascinating flower. This sculpture emphasizes the partnership between Kazakhstan and the Netherlands that develops from year to year in the spirit of traditional friendship and mutual support,” said the ministry.
Kazakhstan is home to nearly 40 out of approximately 100-120 wild species known to date. Eighteen of Kazakhstan’s tulip species are included in the Red Book of protected species.