Kazakh AI Startup Poised to Transform Immune Health Assessment

ASTANA—Kazakh startup ImmuniGuide launched an artificial intelligence (AI) – powered platform on Sept. 23 to revolutionize immune health assessment. The platform analyzes blood tests with a 98.7% accuracy, detecting hidden infections and monitoring the body’s response to diseases, vaccinations, physical activity and stress.

Nurlybek Uderbayev and Igor Ponamarev, authors of the ImmuniGuide project. Photo credit: Astana Hub

According to Astana Hub, the innovation holds great potential for advancing healthcare. Developed by a team of doctor-scientists at Kazakhstan’s Scientific and Clinical Center for Innovative Medicine, the platform has shown positive results in oncology clinics and is expected to expand globally. 

The project has attracted significant international attention, with Malaysia currently negotiating a pilot implementation. The founders’ plans include extending technology to Asia, Europe, and the United States.

“We spent more than eight years developing this platform. Starting from initial concepts in 2016, we secured four copyrights, registered a trademark and redesigned the platform to incorporate AI. In July 2024, we launched it for industrial use and it is already delivering positive results in clinics,” said Nurlybek Uderbayev, co-founder of ImmuniGuide, Doctor of Medical Sciences and oncologist.

The AI platform analyzes immunological data from standard blood tests and offers personalized recommendations to improve immunity. Its standout feature is its ability to deliver detailed, user-friendly reports in any language, making it adaptable for global use.

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