Kazakhstan Concludes Clean Cities Campaign

ASTANA — The final week of the Taza (Clean) Kazakhstan environmental campaign, which focused on clearing debris from the surroundings of water bodies such as river lakes, concluded with over 100 events clearing nearly 140 territories across all regions of Kazakhstan. The campaign, involving 1.13 million people, featured over 6,500 events since its commencement on April 8, as reported by the Kazakh Ministry of Culture and Information.

Volunteers painting the curbs around Issyk Lake in the Almaty Region. Photo credit: Kazakh Ministry of Culture and Information.

In Astana, approximately 60 athletes participating in national sports, including eagle hunting, togyzkumalak (nine pellets), assyk atu (knocking out assyks), and archers, participated in a clean-up campaign at the premises of sports school No.4, the Tolkyn Sports Complex. They also cleared nearly 500 square meters of the area around the Akbulak River.

“The main goal of this large-scale campaign is to instill eco-culture and a sense of responsibility for the cleanliness of the world in the younger generation,” said Daulet Khamzin, an international-class judge and methodologist at the school of higher sports excellence.

National sports athletes cleaning the surroundings of the Akbulak river in Astana. Photo credit: Astana Akimat.

“We have many athletes in national sports here, and as you know, the fifth World Nomad Games will be held in Astana this year. Therefore, we aim to showcase the cleanliness of our country and cities to the world. I urge everyone to contribute to this,” said Akzhibek Manarbekkyzy, the bronze medalist of the togyzkumalak World Championship.

In the Almaty Region, the first day of the week featured 50 clean-up events in the format of marathons and concerts. The participants, including Marat Sultangaziyev, the Akim (Governor) of the Almaty Region, residents of nearby villages, community activists, and volunteers cleaned the surroundings of the Issyk Lake and Uzyn Kargaly, Talgar, Karkara, Charyn, Kaskelenka, and Bolshaya Almatinka rivers. 

There are 310 hydraulic structures in the Almaty region, including 72 reservoirs, 112 ponds, 13 dams, 14 intake waterworks, and 99 main channels.

Marat Sultangaziyev, akim (governor) of the Almaty Region starting the campaign at Issyk Lake. Photo credit: The Almaty Region Akimat.

“We decided to start the campaign at Issyk. This lake is important to us as a source of drinking water and irrigation. We also have several cascade hydroelectric power plants here. Previously, the lake was owned by individual entrepreneurs and last year it was returned to state ownership through court. The lake is not in the best condition now. Therefore, we have started the clearing and landscaping of this area,” said Sultangaziyev. 

In the Zhetisu Region, 2,000 people cleaned the banks along 19 rivers and canals of Koksu, Kora, Chazha, Byzhi, Karasu, and Karatal and removed 31 tons of garbage.

Moreover, in the Karaganda Region, more than 100 people devoted the Defender of the Fatherland Day to cleaning the territory of the Bukpa river. They collected over 300 garbage bags and cleaned the riverbed. 

“During the month dedicated to the Taza Kazakhstan campaign, more than 5,000 tons of garbage were collected and approximately 10,000 residents of the city took part in the clean-up,” said Rinat Karzhasbayev, Deputy Akim of the Kazybek Bi district in the Karaganda Region.

Photo credit: The Karaganda Region Akimat.

Additionally, residents of the Abai district in the Karaganda Region organized a clean-up day at springs and reservoirs, removing garbage, deadwood and silt from the water. More than 10 tons of garbage was collected. 

“The crystal clear and tasty water is collected in the springs not only by residents but also by those driving along the highway. Therefore, we must clean here every spring. It is our area and our responsibility,” said Temirlan Kakenov, head of the volunteer corps and chairman of the NGO Youth Alliance.

In the Kyzylorda Region, more than 20,000 people, including representatives from government, private organizations, and volunteers cleaned the territories of the Syrdarya river embankment, such as the Akkumshik beach and Kariboget bridge, as well as lakes such as Laikol, Kambash, Zhalanash, Shomishkol, Rayym, Tushchy, Iirkol, Karazek, and Alimkol. Over 40 tons of garbage were collected.

Photo credit: The Kyzylorda Region Akimat.

Meanwhile, in the Akmola Region, known for picturesque lakes and rivers, cleanup activities were conducted across the territories of Burabay, Atbasar, Arshalyn, Yerementau, Korgalzhyn, Zerendinsky districts, and the Kokshetau city. 

A significant cleanup was carried out along the coastal areas of the Yesil River, the shores of lakes Malaya and Bolshaya Saraba, and the surroundings of Lake Anarkol in the Arshaly district. Over 1,500 residents cleared 22.5 kilometers of coastline and removed approximately 63 tons of garbage.

Volunteers in front of the Abylai Khan memorial complex in Burabai district. Photo credit: Kazinform.

According to Aray Sadykov, Akim of the Burabai district, nearly 3,000 people including volunteers, leaders of youth organizations, medical and educational institutions, civil servants, veterans of sports, and representatives of the creative industry participated in the campaign.

“As a region that attracts over one million tourists a year, we always pay special attention to the issue of cleanliness. Since the beginning of the Taza Kazakhstan environmental campaign, more than 12,000 tons of garbage have been collected,” said Sadykov.

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