NUR-SULTAN – Kazakh universities are establishing Kazakh language centers across the globe, reports the Ministry of Education and Science. Such centers are operating in Turkey, Iran, Poland, South Korea, Belarus, China and Uzbekistan so far.

The opening ceremony of Kazakh Language Center in Turkey. Photo credit: press service of the Ministry of Education and Science
The work of these language centers aims to familiarize foreign students with the Kazakh language, culture and history. The centers’ staff hold competitions, festivals, and exhibitions among other events.
One of them is the Abai Center for Kazakh Language, History and Culture, which was opened by Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU), and operates at Belarusian National Technical University. Another similar center has opened at Maxim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University.
“These centers foster international scientific and cultural ties between universities and strengthen friendship between Belarusian and Kazakh students,” noted Professor and Rector of ENU Yerlan Sydykov.

Abai Center for Kazakh Language, History and Culture, opened by ENU, operates at Belarusian National Technical University. Photo credit:
The Iran-Kazakhstan Academic and Cultural Center, which coordinates the promotion of joint programs, publication of joint scientific works and holding international events at universities, was opened at Allameh Tabataba’i University. Similar centers, founded by ENU, operate at Southwest University in China, at Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University in Turkey and at Fergana State University in Uzbekistan.
Many Kazakh universities opened centers in China, Poland, Turkey and South Korea such as the Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Shakarim State University of Semey and Aktobe State University named after Zhubanov.

An official representative office of ENU on internationalization and development of international cooperation in Brussels. Photo credit:
Gumilyov Eurasian National University, which opened an official representative office on internationalization and development of international cooperation in Brussels, plans to open ENU campuses in European Union countries.