GRECO Welcomes Progress in Kazakhstan’s Anti-Corruption Efforts

ASTANA – The Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) positively noted Kazakhstan’s efforts in improving anti-corruption legislation following the country’s first report presented at the 96th plenary meeting of GRECO in Strasbourg, France, the Anti-Corruption Agency’s press service reported on April 5.

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In particular, experts commended actions on the return of criminal proceeds, establishing a beneficial owners’ register, strengthening guarantees for whistleblowers and regulating the rules of conduct for civil servants.

Following the first two assessment rounds, the GRECO formulated 27 recommendations for Kazakhstan on conducting comprehensive studies to identify systemic corruption risks, involving non-governmental sectors in the anti-corruption movement, ensuring transparency in governmental decision-making, enhancing the independence of anti-corruption bodies, improving legislation on conflict of interest and preventing corruption in public procurement.

The organization aims to refine anti-corruption policies in participating countries by developing appropriate recommendations in alignment with anti-corruption conventions.

Kazakhstan is the only representative of Central Asia to join the GRECO, which includes 46 European countries and the United States.

The country has another 18 months to enact legislative and practical measures to improve anti-corruption policy in line with GRECO recommendations.

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