In light of the coming international exhibition EXPO 2017, which will largely focus on sustainable development and the face of energy in the future, Forbes Kazakhstan business magazine decided to establish an architecture award this year. The award is intended to bring out the most creative and innovative projects in local architecture and create a platform for extraordinary Kazakh architects.

This regional award aims to highlight the best and the brightest stars in the Kazakh design industry.
Some of the world’s leading experts, with more than 30 years’ experience in the field and who also have created great architectural achievements have been invited to participate as project judges.
“Such contests truly benefit everyone, because if a project is not only recognised by investors or a client, but also by independent professionals, it creates a huge incentive for architects to develop themselves further and as a result, the competition enhances the quality of services available. Moreover, the award is an impetus for developing urban culture, bettering city appearance and lessening human impact on the environment,” explained Jury Chairman Rudolf Wienands, who is also a professor at Munich Technical University (Germany) and the founder of Wienands Plan GmbH architectural bureau.
The esteemed judges are going to nominate contestants in the following categories: Best Residential Complex (housing), Best Public Building, Best Public Building Interior; Best Residential Interior, Best Villa, Best Sustainable Design and the Grand Prize (Forbes Kazakhstan’s choice).
According to competition rules, any group or organisation which executes any single or collective architectural project that was submitted to the contest, may participate. Moreover, all contestants should have a Kazakhstan construction license. Submitted projects may be under construction or can have been in progress for no more than 10 years before the application deadline.
The application submission period began on March 16 and ended on April 15. Final results are expected to be announced on April 28.