Kazakhstan Promotes Turkic Integration Ahead of OTS Summit

ASTANA – Preliminary results of Kazakhstan’s chairmanship of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) for 2023-2024 held under the TURKTIME! (Traditions, Unification, Reforms, Knowledge, Trust, Investments, Mediation and Energy) motto, along with preparations for the OTS summit in the Kyrgyz Republic were discussed at a Sept. 10 meeting between OTS Secretary General Kubanychbek Omuraliyev and Kazakh Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Murat Nurtleu.

Kubanychbek Omuraliyev and Murat Nurtleu. Photo credit: Kazakh Foreign Ministry

Nurtleu noted that Kazakhstan, as the initiator of the organization’s creation, places particular importance on developing and strengthening Turkic integration. He underlined that Kazakhstan’s chairmanship of the OTS aims to improve the well-being of the Turkic peoples, explore new areas of development, strengthen fraternal ties and ensure regional stability, according to the Kazakh Foreign Ministry’s press service.

Omuraliyev noted that more than 80 events took place across 30 different areas under Kazakhstan’s chairmanship of the OTS. The fifth World Nomad Games, held in Astana, stood out as the major event. He remarked that the broad international presence at the Games reflects growing interest in Turkic nomadic culture. 

The parties also exchanged views on pressing topics of Turkic cooperation and discussed further strengthening collaboration among OTS member states.

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