ASTANA — Of the 388,400 children born in Kazakhstan last year, boys accounted for 51.6% and girls for 48.4%, the Bureau of National Statistics reported on April 22.

Photo credit: USA Today
Urban areas saw 59% of total births, with the remaining 41% occurring in rural areas. The highest birth rates were observed in the Mangystau and Turkistan Regions, and the city of Shymkent.
The majority of births were among women aged 25-29, totaling 29%, followed by 26% among women aged 30-34. Women under the age of 20 gave birth to 12,600 children last year, and women over 50 gave birth to 96 children. The average maternal age was 29.7 years in 2023.
The number of twins born last year was 4,075, triplets – 48, quadruplets – 1.