ASTANA – Kazakhstan plans to create a pool of accredited lawyers and experts to protect the country’s interests abroad, announced Dastan Smagulov, the deputy director of the department for the protection of state property rights at the Ministry of Justice, at a Jan. 30 Central Communications Service (CCS) press briefing. The primary emphasis lies in high-quality knowledge and the absence of conflict of interest with the state.

The Central Communications Service (CCS) press briefing on Jan. 30. Photo credit:
“The ministry is clearly aware of the need to attract domestic firms, since emerging topics in international forums relate to Kazakhstan’s law. We need experts with strong practical experience in tax, environmental, and administrative procedural law,” said Smagulov.
“So far, many Kazakh firms and experts in various branches of law have managed to demonstrate their competitiveness in the international arena, thereby contributing to the protection of Kazakhstan’s interests,” he added.
Smagulov emphasized that the ministry “sees and understands that domestic firms already have experience that can be the key to success in the international dispute resolution arena.”

The international practical conference on Jan. 25 organized by the Kazakh Ministry of Justice. Photo credit:
On Jan. 25, the ministry held the first international practical conference dedicated to representing and protecting the government’s interests abroad. Chaired by Kazakh Minister of Justice Azamat Yeskarayev, the meeting addressed the prospects of showcasing the potential of Kazakh law firms on the international stage.
“Transparency is an important aspect of protecting the government’s interests abroad. Over the years of independence, Kazakhstan has formed a group of strong lawyers. The conference demonstrated the variety of interesting opinions and strong teams able to participate meaningfully in complex international disputes and protect the interests of the state in arbitration,” said Smagulov.
The event gathered more than 100 participants. The list of speakers included representatives of the leading Kazakh and international law firms, particularly Sayat Zholshy and Partners, Tukulov Kassilgov Shaikenov Disputes, White & Case, Latham and Watkins, and Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt and Mosle.
The ministry plans to host the conference annually.