ASTANA — The end of March is not only the start of flowering trees but also the arrival of an important holiday, Nauryz. Kazakh people, as well as other Turkic nations of Central Asia, celebrate this eastern new year on March 21-23. You will always find something to do in the Kazakh capital during this holiday. The Astana Times has prepared a list of events scheduled for Nauryz and the weekend that will bring you festive atmosphere and enjoyment of the magic of the holiday.

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Opera-ballet “Kalkaman – Mamyr” on March 21
Kalkaman and Mamyr for Kazakh people are just like Romeo and Juliet for the British. Kalkaman-Mamyr is a story about young tragic love where traditions and customs keep the two lovers apart. The plot is worthy of being embodied both in the form of opera and ballet.

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This production is a bold experiment of composer Balnur Kydyrbek. The main roles are given to opera artists, while the ballet supplements the main plot. The dance helps the audience to better understand the feelings of the characters and to empathize with them.
Venue: Astana Opera; 1 Qonayev Street, Tickets are available here.
Nauryz-Duman show on March 21-26

Photo credit: Official poster.
In honor of the Nauryz holiday, the Astana Puppet Theater will entertain you with a folk Kazakh fairytale. As well as being an excellent show for an audience of all ages, it will also deepen your knowledge about Kazakh folklore.
Address: Astana Puppet Theater; 3 Respublika Ave. Tickets are available here.
Show of illusion and music “The Magic of the Steppe” on March 23

Photo credit: Official poster.
The Magic of the Steppe” is a creative project with a well-thought-out idea, which involves the stars of Kazakhstan. The performance combines several different genres: circus and theater, pop vocals and folklore, classical dance and modern choreography.
Magicians will defy the laws of nature and erase the boundaries of reality, plunge the audience into a world of illusion, where even the most skeptical viewer starts to believe in miracles.
Address: Zhastar Sarayy; 34 Respublika Ave. Tickets are available on
The Heritage of the Great Steppe on March 25
“The Heritage of the Great Steppe” concert has become a flagship show of the theater at home and abroad. The beauty and tenderness of female dance in the performances captivate and delight. The collection of dance suites captures the essence of Kazakh culture and its rich history.
Through this work, choreographers Mukaram Avahri and Aigul Tati showcase the history and traditions of the Kazakh people.
Venue: Astana Ballet; 9 Uly Dala Street. Tickets are available here.
“Dance Speech” on March 26
“Dance speech” is a social dance project with professional artists and choreographers. The concept of the project allows the viewer to engage in an open dialogue, share emotions and become one with the choreographic production.

Photo credit: contrasst_theatre
Tickets are available on
Address: National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 54 Tauelsizdik Ave.
“Therapy of the soul” concert on 26 March
“Therapy of the soul” is all about the sensual sound of the cello. You will enjoy soundtracks from famous movies, Kazakh folk songs, great classics and heartfelt works close to the heart accompanied by a chamber orchestra.
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Venue: Kazakhstan Central Concert Hall; 10/1 Mangilik Yel Ave. Tickets are available here.