ASTANA – Three books of the Bible’s – “Solomon’s Parables,” “Psalter,” and “Gospel of Matthew” – all translated to Kazakh, were presented in Almaty on Nov. 30, reported the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District’s press service.

Three books of the Bible were translated into the Kazakh language. Photo credit: Kazakhstan Metropolitan District’s press service
Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan initiated the translation of Bible books into the Kazakh language.
“It is impossible to do a high-quality translation without relying on the people’s culture, traditional values, and ideas about God, the world, and humanity. The Kazakh language, one of the world’s richest and most expressive languages, is a precious part of the ancient and multifaceted culture of the Kazakh people. … Experts used the whole palette of linguistic means to convey the beauty and diversity of biblical texts, their spirit, meaning, and style,” Metropolitan Alexander said.
Folios in leather bindings feature decorative embossing, gilded sections, and picturesque illustrations. Handmade book ornaments contain both ancient Russian and Kazakh motifs.
According to Metropolitan Alexander, books of the Bible in the Kazakh language have invaluable educational, historical, and cultural significance. Soon enough, all the books of the Bible will be translated into the Kazakh language.