NUR-SULTAN – Civil servants visit the pre-trial detention centers in the Mangystau Region as part of Kazakhstan’s anti-corruption policy concept for 2022–2026, reports the press service of the region’s Department of the Anti-Corruption Service.

The Concept of the anti-corruption policy in Kazakhstan for 2022–2026 was adopted on Feb.22 this year. Photo credit: Click to see the map in full size.
Employees of state institutions, including high-level personnel, had an overview of the offices where investigations were being held, prison cells and places for exercise to experience the prisoners’ daily routine firsthand. These measures are meant to contribute to the formation of an anti-corruption culture in the public service.
State Counselor of Kazakhstan Erlan Karin stressed the importance of eliminating the prerequisites for corruption in the context of presidential reforms at the July 19 meeting of the commission on fighting against corruption.
The concept, which was adopted on February 2 this year, includes institutional and specific objectives, provides for the development of new anti-corruption mechanisms, and works to eradicate corruption in state authorities and civil society.
Karin also addressed the recommendations of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), the Council of Europe’s anti-corruption monitoring international institution. According to him, cooperation with GRECO allows Kazakhstan to adopt proven anti-corruption mechanisms used in many developed countries.
“Progress in this direction is impossible without the promotion of anti-corruption public work. Therefore, under the regional public council in the cities of Aktau and Zhanaozen, as well as in all district public councils, permanent commissions on anti-corruption issues have been established,” said Kuanysh Myrzagali, first deputy director of the Mangystau regional anti-corruption service department.