NUR-SULTAN – The East Kazakhstan region maintained a positive growth rate by the end of 2020, reported on May 4.

The leading enterprises in the manufacturing industry include Kazzinc, Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium and Magnesium Combine and Ulba Metallurgical Plant, which produce basic noble and non-ferrous metals, as well as titanium, magnesium, tantalum, and fuel for nuclear power plants. Click on the picture to see the map.
The local authorities took anti-crisis measures to support small and medium-sized businesses, the agri-industrial sector and to develop infrastructure, provide jobs and prevent a decrease in the population’s income.
To ensure employment, 77.4 billion tenge (US$181 million) was allocated for the implementation of 819 regional projects as part of the Employment Roadmap initiative.
In 2020, items worth 2.5 billion tenge (US$5.8 million) were manufactured, which is 385.4 billion tenge (US$903 million) more than in 2019.

The region exported 22.7 percent of the total export of agricultural products in 2019 in the country. The products were exported to more than 20 countries including Russia, China, Iran, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkmenistan, Germany, Turkey, Italy and other countries.
The main growth in industrial production was provided by an increase in the production of gold-bearing concentrates by 19.3 percent, refined gold by 27.7 percent and cars by 7.2 percent.
The positive trend is also observed in mechanical engineering due to an increase in production of cars, trailers and semi-trailers, in production of wood products, in production of rubber and plastic items, in the pharmaceutical industry and other non-metallic mineral products.
The epidemiological situation gave impetus to the increase of personal protective equipment production, delivery of goods, food and medicines.
In 2020, four dairy farms were built in the region with a total capacity of 1,050 cattle stalls. Three farms for 150 heads were reconstructed and five milk collection points were opened. The workload of milk processing enterprises stayed at 87 percent. Three feedlots were built with a one-time maintenance of 7000 heads.
According to the regional office of the Atameken Chamber of Entrepreneurs, 250 projects worth 43.4 billion tenge (US$101 million) will be implemented in the region.
Some 88 investment projects are being implemented to create 20,000 jobs.
In 2020, five projects were implemented and 434 jobs were created.
Overall, 90,453 small and medium-sized businesses operate in the region and 230,100 people are employed in small and medium-sized businesses.
Located in the eastern part of the country, the East Kazakhstan region borders Russia and China. Its main administrative center is the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk.