NUR-SULTAN — In the QS World University Rankings Al-Farabi Kazakh National University took first place among the nation’s universities and entered the list of the 200 best universities of the world in 2021.

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, placed 357th and Mukhtar Auezov South Kazakhstan University placed 490, entering the list of the 500 best universities in the world.
In total, 13 Kazakh universities participated in the ranking, three entered the top 500 and seven universities listed among the top 1000.
According to the recent statement of the Kazakh Minister of Education Askhat Aimagambetov, one of the indicators of the effectiveness of higher education is the representation of universities in world rankings. By 2025, the number of Kazakh universities marked in the QS WUR rating will increase to 15, he said.
QS designed its rankings to assess performance according to what it believes to be key aspects of a university’s mission: teaching, research, nurturing employability, and internationalisation.
Satbayev University achieved a ranking in the range of 541-550. Kazakh National Agrarian University is among the top five in the nation and ranked from 591-600 in the QS World University Rankings.
This year’s QS World University Rankings reveals the top 1,000 universities from around the world, covering 80 different locations.
QS Rankings are compiled by experts from the QS Intelligence Unit (QSIU) in close cooperation with the International Advisory Board, an organisation that includes many leading scientists. The rankings are widely used by prospective students and specialists from universities and governments worldwide.