E-kyzmet system to better connect performance to promotion of civil servants 

NUR-SULTAN – The Civil Service Affairs Agency is planning to use the E-kyzmet system to monitor civil servants’ career promotion as the meritocracy principle remains one of its priority tasks.

The agency will strengthen control in observing the principle in public service. In accordance with state employees’ appeals, there is a proposal to provide additional control measures based on warning by monitoring individuals’ movements in addition to their arguments. 

“E-kyzmet, an automated system that controls personnel processes, operates in all state agencies. This system can also monitor all the necessary information on career promotion of civil servants. We will monitor the appointments for compliance with legislation. All the information will be checked and studied. The Department of State Service Control will respond to the violations [on a timely basis],” said Civil Service Affairs Agency head Anar Zhailganova at the July 5 government meeting.  

More than 7,000 young civil servants were promoted last year as a result of competition principles.

The agency is also considering coordinating employee career prospects with their activity evaluation results to ensure civil servants remain motivated. 

No direct relation exists, as the evaluation system was tested in pilot mode under the current procedure. Employee evaluation results are taken into account when making decisions on bonuses, promotions, training, rotation and demotions/dismissal from public office. They do not serve for making a decision on promotion.

The employee assessment system proved its effectiveness in pilot state bodies. Competitive commissions will consider the results when employees are appointed to higher positions.

“We introduced a career model of civil service in 2015 and every employee has opportunities for career growth. We created all conditions to ensure the principle of meritocracy. We will continue promoting the best employees, while ensuring the transparency and efficiency of the personnel growth system,” said Zhailganova. 

At the same time, remuneration on a factor-scale was introduced, with the Ministry of Justice, Civil Service Affairs Agency and city administrations of the capital, Almaty, Shymkent and the Mangistau Region taking part in the pilot project. As a result, staff turnover has significantly decreased; turnover at the Ministry of Justice, for example, has reduced from 4.6 percent to 0.6 percent since the project was implemented. The system has also been found to stimulate public servants.

The measures will improve the transparency and effectiveness of personnel growth and ensure further adherence to the meritocracy principle in public service.

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