New Speaker of Mazhilis Elected, Reshuffle in Executive

ASTANA – Former Akim (Governor) of Atyrau region, member of Mazhilis elected from the Nur Otan Party list Baktykozha Izmukhambetov was elected Chairman of a new convocation of the Mazhilis (lower house of Parliament), the chamber’s press office reported March 25.


Baktykozha Izmukhambetov. Photo:

Born in 1948, Izmukhambetov is a graduate of the Ufa Petroleum Institute. Following a career in oil and gas industry, from 2006 to 2012, he served as Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Kazakhstan. In January 2012, he was elected deputy of the fifth convocation of the Mazhilis of the Kazakh Parliament.

The deputies also elected Gulmira Issimbayeva of the Nur Otan Party and Vladimir Bozhko, elected from the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, as new deputy speakers of the chamber.

The new appointments in the legislature were accompanied by a reshuffle in the executive branch. The same day, President Nursultan Nazarbayev signed a decree appointing Kanat Bozumbayev the Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan and relieving him of his previous post as the Pavlodar region’s governor. Prior to that, from November 2009 to December 2013 he worked as Akim (Governor) of the Zhambyl region. Previously, he held various positions in national companies, the Ministries of Energy, Industry and Trade as well National Economy. The new minister was born in Almaty in 1969. Earlier, Vladimir Shkolnik was relieved from the post of the Minister of Energy by a presidential decree.

Furthermore, former Akim (Mayor) of Pavlodar city Bolat Bakauov was appointed Akim (Governor) of Pavlodar region. He graduated from the Kazakh Institute of Law and International Relations, specialising in jurisprudence and later the International Academy of Business, Economics and Business management. He was a deputy of the Pavlodar regional maslikhat from 2003 to 2007.

Izmukhambetov’s previous post of the Akim of the Atyrau Oblast is now occupied by Nurlan Nogayev who was moved over from a similar position in the West Kazakhstan Oblast. There he was replaced by Altai Kulginov who previously worked as Akim (Mayor) of the regional capital, Uralsk, and who is a gradutate of the Bolashak presidential scholarship programme.

Deputy of the Mazhilis Zagipa Baliyeva was appointed by the presidential decree Kazakhstan’s Commissioner for Children’s Rights (Ombudsman). Baliyeva’s career included work as Minister of Justice in 2015-2009, Chairperson of the Central Election Commission of Kazakhstan, Deputy of the Supreme Council of Kazakhstan in early 1990s as well as other appointments.

The post of Commissioner for Children’s Rights was established by the decree of the President of Kazakhstan in February this year in order to improve the national system of protection of children’s rights. The main objectives of the Commissioner are to guarantee the rights and legitimate interests of children, as well as the restoration of their violated rights and freedoms in cooperation with state and public institutions.

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