Retro military equipment, much of which is currently exhibited as monuments in different cities throughout Kazakhstan, will line the streets of Astana May 7 as part of the military parade dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. The procession will kick off May 7.

Military equipment for May Victory Day parades arrives in Astana. Photo: Press Service of RK MInistry of Defense
“This military equipment was partly stored in our reserve and some was showcased on the city streets as monuments of the Great Patriotic War. The restoration work was executed by the Semey-based Kazakhstan Engineering plant,” said Deputy Commander of Kazakh Land Forces for Educational and Ideological Work Colonel Zhumabek Khassenov.
The parade participants, approximately 3,500 soldiers from different regions of the country, are living in the field camp constructed near Astana.
“We have here 150 tents, four bath houses and 11 canteens for convenience. We will also manage a modern amphitheatre and two field automobile clubs of locally-produced vehicles,” said Khassenov.
Full-scale training began April 1, while the joint equipment and personnel training started after April 15, he added. The final rehearsal, with the participation of public authorities, will take place May 3-5 on Astana’s Kazakh Eli Square.
According to the announcement by the Kazakh Ministry of Defence, the parade will consist of two parts – historic and contemporary. The latter will present examples of modern military equipment which is now used in the army and military personnel will be dressed in modern uniforms.
“The legendary Katyusha multiple rocket launcher will be presented at the parade for the first time. All in all, 12 units of Soviet rocket artillery, a world-famous T-34 tank, 48 Maxim and Degtyaryov machine guns and about 180 soldiers armed with Mosin rifles sample of 1896 will be involved in the parade,” explained Khassenov.
Plans are underway to use 220 pieces of heavy equipment and weapons, as well as 84 aircraft. In addition, about 200 female soldiers will be involved in the parade, representing not only the modern army but also the women who participated in the Second World War. Forty Kazakh veterans who fought in the Great Patriotic War will also march during the event.
An equestrian procession of the 106th National Cavalry Division is also expected to be recreated, said the head of the Kazakh National Archive Fund Management Service Akzada Hairullina. The offspring of those who were in this cavalry will help in reconstructing the departure scene, which took place March 23, 1942. According to protocol No. 87 of the Akmola region committee, the cavalry had to join the sixth light brigade of General A. Noskov to rescue the city of Kharkov, Ukraine. According to the report of that time, 90 percent of the cavalry, of the 4,000 soldiers in total, were ethnic Kazakhs.
“This event is already included in the plan. There are volunteers and enthusiasts who want to take part in the reconstruction of this event. All of them will be dressed in uniforms of that period of time. The procession will walk through the main streets of Astana in April,” said Hairullina.