Spiderman Speaks Kazakh

spidermanThe blockbuster film “Spiderman: High Voltage” in 3D will be released in Russian and Kazakh in Kazakhstan on April 24, tengrinews.kz recently reported.

Dubbing of the film into Kazakh began in November 2013. Over the subsequent months, voice castings were conducted and material from the production studio was received and approved. Once approved, the dubbing of the Kazakh version, which will be released under the name “Zhana Ormekshі Adam: Kernegen Quat,” which is Kazakh for “Spiderman: High Voltage,” took eight days.

Dubbing some scenes to enhance sound took even more time. Protagonist Peter Parker was voiced by young theatre actor Merey Adzhibekov. He was part of the team that worked on the first “New Spiderman” film.

“There was a lot of text and many emotional scenes. I felt as if I was inside of my character during voicing. There were situations where while voicing, I was worried that my heart would leap or tears would run down my face. The project was not too difficult, with this being the second time I have voiced Parker. I have really gotten used to doing Spiderman films. By the time I would arrive at the studio every day, I was already Peter Parker,” Adzhibekov stated.

Actress Alima Kairbekova dubbed Parker’s beloved Gwen Stacy and Azamat Kanapiya voiced Maxwell Dillon. Aigerim Onalbek was the dubbing director; she previously worked on films such as “Return to A,” “My Heart Astana” and “Men in Black 3.”

Kazakh became the seventh language into which the film was translated. The translation was carried out directly from English into Kazakh to assure the highest quality. Casting of the main characters was conducted in February in Almaty. Dubbing experts from Sony Pictures, who came to Kazakhstan specifically for the film, approved them.

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