Saiga Population Increasing, More Conservation Work Planned for This Year

SaigasASTANA – “The population of Saiga in Kazakhstan is growing, reaching 187,000 in 2013,” Minister of Environment and Water Resources Nurlan Kapparov said at a department meeting, according to the prime minister’s official website.

“Today, there is a positive trend in the number of Saiga steppe antelope, which in 2013 reached 187,000, an increase of almost nine times [over the past few years],” said Kapparov.

He also confirmed that “the work on the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of wild ungulates and saiga will be continued.” A concept for the preservation and development of biological resources and a programme for the development of the forest sector will be developed this year within the framework of the country’s action plan for the transition to a green economy.

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