China, Central Asia Join Forces to Counter Terrorism, Combat Transnational Crime

ASTANA — China-Central Asia Public Security and Interior Ministers held an inaugural meeting on Sept. 10 in Lianyungang to deepen cooperation in public security and exchange experience in countering modern challenges and threats, such as transnational crime, extremism, drug trafficking, cybercrime and human trafficking.

China and Central Asia states intend to strengthen cooperation in public security. Photo credit: Kazakh Ministry of Internal Affairs

The leadership of the Ministries of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Public Security of China attended the event.

On the sidelines of the meeting, Kazakh Minister of Internal Affairs Yerzhan Sadenov held bilateral talks with Chinese Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong.

At the Global Public Security Cooperation Forum conference, which was attended by representatives of law enforcement agencies from more than 100 countries, Sadenov spoke about measures to combat crime and declared his readiness for interdepartmental interaction and deepening cooperation in public safety.

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