Almaty Hosts International Exhibition of Electronics and Household Appliances

ASTANA – Almaty hosted the HomeTech & Electra 2024, an international exhibition of electronics and household appliances featuring over 100 factories from Central Asia, China, South Korea, and Türkiye from July 30 to Aug. 1.

The opening of the international exhibition of electronics and household from the organizers of the World Silk Way company. Photo credit: World Silk Way company

According to the official press release, entrepreneurs and representatives of trading networks from Kazakhstan and Central Asia also participated in the event. The exhibition displays electrical equipment from over 30 factories in China’s Guangdong Province and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

During the event, a forum titled Prospects for the Development of the Electronics Market in Central Asia took place, along with B2B sessions, a fair, seminars, reports, and presentations by leading manufacturers. An award ceremony is also part of the program.

Alisher Satybaldiev, head of the entrepreneurship and investments department of Almaty, emphasized the significance of the household appliances industry in the city’s economy and expressed readiness to support investors and foster comprehensive cooperation.

“Almaty is the largest market for goods and services. Over 350,000 small and medium-sized enterprises operate here,” he said. State support measures are provided in the Almaty industrial zone and the Alatau special economic zone. The Almaty Business Development Company also provides a one-stop shop for investor support.”

Asset Aitbayev, director of the trade and development department of the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, noted that comprehensive support for domestic and international businesses involves consultations on state programs.

Asiya Burlibayeva, General Director of World Silk Way, the company organizing the exhibition, expressed confidence that the event would foster the creation of new joint ventures and strategic partnerships among participants.

She added, “The exhibition will draw attention to Kazakhstan as a promising market for investment and innovation development.”

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