ASTANA – The Kazakh capital climbed 25 positions in the Global Ecosystem Index, securing 318th place among 1,000 cities listed in the latest 2023 report of the StartupBlink global startup ecosystem map and research center.

Bagdat Mussin with Astana Hub team. Photo credit:
StartupBlink works to uncover insights about trends affecting the global startup ecosystem and offers elaborated startup ecosystem dashboards for over 1,000 cities and 100 countries globally.
According to the report, Astana claimed the top spot in the national ranking, putting Kazakhstan first among Central Asian states.
The city received an award for the Best Startup Ecosystem in Central Asia at the Startup Ecosystem Awards 2023 ceremony hosted online on Jan. 9. This remarkable success was driven by the Astana Hub International Technopark of IT startups, which fostered “an environment conducive to innovation and startup growth.”
“This achievement highlights Kazakhstan’s growing influence and leadership in the Central Asian startup scene,” said Mahmod Shamsi, Head of Business Development at StartupBlink.
The Startup Ecosystem Awards recognizes the achievements of startup ecosystems in StartupBlink’s algorithm, which takes into account over 40 parameters, forming the evaluation methodology.
“This recognition is not only a high appreciation of our achievements, but also an opportunity to attract global investors. We invite the global investment community to join our journey to leadership in startup innovation,” shared Bagdat Mussin, Kazakh Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry.