ASTANA – The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) put Kazakhstan among the leading innovators across Central Asia in its Global Innovation Index published on Sept. 27.

Photo credit: Global Innovation Index 2023 report.
The report has ranked 15 countries leading the world in science, technology, and innovation. Switzerland, Sweden, and the United States are among the top three.
According to the report, these countries are pioneering a “digital innovation wave, built on artificial intelligence (AI), supercomputing and automation, and a deep science innovation wave, based on biotechnologies and nanotechnologies.”
Along with Kazakhstan, Senegal from Sub-Saharan Africa and Türkiye from Western Asia also joined the list of the regional leading science and technology hotspots. Overall, Kazakhstan ranks 81st out of 132 countries.
“Kazakhstan takes over third position within the region [of Central and Southern Asia], gaining two ranks and displacing Uzbekistan to fourth, which retains its 82nd position overall. (…) Kazakhstan tops in infrastructure (59th) thanks to its good performance in the government’s online service (8th) and e-participation (15th),” reads the report.
This year’s 16th edition, Innovation in the Face of Uncertainty, captures the innovation ecosystem performance of 132 economies and tracks the most recent global innovation trends.
Since 2019, the index has been recognized by the United Nations General Assembly to be a benchmark for measuring innovation, including more recently in a post-pandemic environment.