ASTANA – Vice President of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA), Askar Shakirov, outlined Kazakhstan’s position on key issues on the international agenda at the 30th annual session of the OSCE PA on June 30 – July 4 in Vancouver, Canada, reported the press service of the Kazakh Senate on July 3.

Chairman of the Senate Committee on International Relations, Defense and Security, Vice President of the OSCE-PA Askar Shakirov. Photo credit:
Hundreds of parliamentarians from North America, Europe and Central Asia are addressing security and cooperation challenges, focusing on cybersecurity issues, prevention of terrorism and violent extremism, including searching for optimal ways to improve the OSCE’s functionality during a period of crisis in international relations.
Shakirov co-authored a resolution on future generations, calling for the promotion of active participation of youth in governance and important decision-making within the Sustainable Development Goals.
The session will continue until July 4, when it will culminate with the adoption of the Vancouver Declaration and the election of assembly officers, including a new president.