ASTANA – The Senate, the Upper House of the Kazakh Parliament, adopted a law providing amnesty to some of the participants of January events at an Oct. 27 session, reported the Senate’s press service.

Senate session headed by Speaker Maulen Ashimbayev. Photo credit: Senate press service.
“The law provides the exemption from criminal liability and mitigation of punishment for those who committed criminal offenses during the January riots. We consider this measure an act of humanism by society and the state. We hope that such tragic events will never happen again,” said Senate Speaker Maulen Ashimbayev.
The law specifies the amnesty conditions and procedures, including the exceptions. Law offenders committing misdemeanors and minor infractions will be exempt from punishment. Their criminal record will also be cleared.
Lower-level felons will have their sentences reduced by three-fourths, while higher-level offenders will have their sentences reduced by half. The law does not apply to terrorists, extremists, riot planners, and torture perpetrators.
The law also provides for the resocialization of ex-convicts. They will receive help in finding employment, filing paperwork, and medical assistance.
According to preliminary calculations, up to 1,500 people will be subject to the amnesty.