NUR-SULTAN – The main objective of the national education project is to ensure equal access to quality education at all levels – preschool, school, technical and professional, and higher education, said Kazakh Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov at an Aug. 9 government meeting.

674 new kindergartens were opened in Kazakhstan since 2021. Photo credit:
According to the Prime Minister’s Office, schools that will accommodate 840,000 children are expected to be built by 2025. “We have done a lot of work in this direction. Since 2021, 674 new kindergartens and 326 schools have been opened across the country. Also, 1,436 schools were repaired. A pilot project on a comfortable school is being developed as part of the President’s instructions,” said Smailov.
Preschool education is designed to put an emphasis on learning through play, physical activity and art. As a result, various adjustments have been made to the national standard, the curriculum, and the activities.
In addition, 45,000 grants have been allocated for vocational education and nearly 500 enterprises have colleges for the training of workers. Four branches of major international institutions have been opened, and 400 foreign professors have been brought in for research.