NUR-SULTAN – The rapid increase in the number of COVID infections by 3.2 times in one week in Kazakhstan was announced at the July 19 meeting of the interdepartmental commission on the prevention and spread of coronavirus, reported the Prime Minister’s press service. Among infected citizens, 89 percent are unvaccinated and have not been revaccinated in the last six months.

Deputy Prime Minister Yeraly Tugzhanov calls for timely revaccination of the population. Photo credit:
According to the data from the Ministry of Healthcare, 56.6 percent of the population has received at least one dose of vaccine, and 55.1 percent have been fully vaccinated. To date, 4.8 million people, or 67.9 percent of the eligible population, have been revaccinated.
In Kazakhstan, 8,156 COVID-19 cases have been registered over the past week and compared to the last week, the incidence has increased from 2,558 to 8,156 cases.
According to Deputy Prime Minister Yeraly Tugzhanov, who chairs the commission, the epidemiological situation will be assessed depending on the number of hospitalizations with the COVID-19 infection.
Earlier, Kazakh Minister of Healthcare Azhar Giniyat presented a new matrix of the epidemiological situation: the average daily incidence rate for seven days per 100,000 population was replaced by the daily rate of bed occupancy in hospitals per 100,000 population. It has been in use since July 15.
With an increase in the reproductive rate of the virus, the authorities will recommend wearing masks in closed spaces and public transport, even if a region remains in a low riks green zone.
If a region enters a moderate risk yellow zone, stricter measures will be applied including limitations on public events.
The commission is working on the development of restrictive measures in a hypothetical case of transition to the red zone with the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs (NCE).
Tugzhanov tasked the akimats (city administration) to carry out inspections of healthcare facilities in all regions of the country, intensify work on vaccination and timely revaccination of the population, and ensure compliance with the sanitary and disinfection standards at enterprises.