NUR-SULTAN – The volume of services in the culture, arts and entertainment industry of Kazakhstan reached record levels of 11.9 billion tenge (US$24.8 million) in the first quarter this year, reports.

Astana Opera House in Kazakh capital. Photo credit:
In terms of regions, the leading regions are Nur-Sultan (3 billion tenge (US$6.2 million)), followed by Almaty (2.3 billion tenge (US$4.8 million)) and the Karaganda Region (1.1 billion tenge (US$2.3 million)).
Theaters, concerts, as well as visual and literary arts became more popular in the reporting period, sharing 6.2 billion tenge (US$13 million), 4 billion tenge (US$8.3 million) and 601 million tenge (US$1.2 million) respectively.
The organizational costs of cultural and entertainment events and circus activities reached 282.9 million tenge (US$589,973) and 248.2 million tenge (US$517,608), proportionately.
As of June, event planning service costs increased by 9.2 percent over the year, and prices for theater services grew by 28.2 percent.