Energy security is a major issue for most countries. Resource-rich nations seek stable markets, transportation routes and high prices, while importers look for secure energy supplies at affordable prices....
AKTAU – A bitumen plant capable of processing 1 million tons of oil and producing about 400 tons of high-quality bitumen officially opened in Aktau on Dec. 20. President...
ALMATY – On Jan. 14, 1994, a presidential decree on the creation of Kazakhstan’s Presidental Archive was signed. To celebrate the upcoming 20th anniversary of this archive, we asked...
ATYRAU – The Atyrau broadcast television branch of the Kazakhstan television company presented the documentary, “From the Khazars to Kazakhs,” dedicated to the history of the region, on the...
ASTANA – Farkhad Madenov, a second-year student at the College of the Kazakh National University of Arts (KazNUA), won the sixth Colibri Multicultural Competition of young performers in Los...
AKTOBE – A monument to prominent national writers Takhaui Akhtanov and Kuandyk Shangytbayev was opened in the Aktobe region on Dec. 30. A stone for that monument to the...
UST-KAMENOGORSK – Husband and wife team Nikolai and Lyudmila Zemlyany have created a garden of unique underground greenhouses in their village of Ukraina, near Ust-Kamenogorsk. The greenhouses, which they...
The Altyn Orda House of Creative Design is bringing back ancient crafts and presenting them in a new light. Nowadays, it is hard to surprise people with anything due...
Enterprises that are part of the Industrialisation Map in the Zhambyl region manufactured products worth 38.5 billion tenge (US$249 million) in 2013, announced. According to the information, 29...
As of Jan. 1, Belarusian companies may participate in public procurement in Kazakhstan. Their participation is regulated by the Dec. 2010 agreement on public procurement between the Customs Union...
The implementation of the Balapan state programme will be extended until 2020, pursuant to a government resolution released on Jan. 9. Balapan was adopted in Kazakhstan in 2010 on...
ASTANA – While more and more foreigners are moving to Kazakhstan, tales of Kazakh expatriates abroad are still rare. Astana native Raushan Makhmutova, who has been working abroad since...
ASTANA – The Sixth Winter Charity Masquerade Ball, one of the capital city’s most prestigious annual events, held Dec. 7, 2013 in Astana, raised more than 13 million tenge...
ASTANA – According to a recent opinion poll by the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies under Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Education and Science, the citizens of Kazakhstan...
ASTANA – Akim (Mayor) Imangali Tasmagambetov presented a report on the capital’s development at a Central Communications Service (CCS) briefing at the end of December, describing the city’s development...
ASTANA – The Kazakh language is being tested as part of Google’s translation service thanks in part to the efforts of Beeline Kazakhstan and WikiBilim Public Fund. Rauan Kenzhekhanuly,...
ASTANA – On the 7th of January, together with millions of Orthodox believers around the world, Kazakhstan’s Orthodox Christians celebrated Christmas. Representatives of other religions along with the country’s...
ASTANA – Residents and guests of Astana have the opportunity to get acquainted with the life of French statesman, military leader and emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte at an exhibition, which...
On Dec. 27, 2013 Akim (Mayor) of Astana Imangali Tasmagambetov elaborated upon the development of transportation infrastructure in the city at a CCS press briefing. “Over 330 km of...
ASTANA – A number of new laws came into effect on Jan. 1, including laws raising taxes and increasing social benefits. Owners of expensive, high-engine-capacity vehicles will pay more...
ASTANA – The 2014 NTI Nuclear Materials Security Index, which assesses nuclear materials security conditions in 176 countries and which was released on Jan. 8 by the Washington-based Nuclear...
Development of the Caspian Shelf and new geological exploration will dominate headlines surrounding the domestic oil and gas industry in the coming years. Achievements and forecasts It is well...
ASTANA – While some dislike the fact that Astana sees some of the coldest winters in the world, many others take advantage of the capital’s cold weather. One way...
SHYMKENT – A newly completed inventory of reservoirs and canals in southern Kazakhstan is helping authorities recalculate water facilities, assess their status and identify dams that badly need reconstruction...
ALMATY – Kazakhstan’s Sochi Winter Olympics athletes were given their first look at the team’s Olympic gear on New Year’s Eve, when performance athletic wear sets were presented to...
Barys beat their rival, Ak Bars on their opponent’s home ice with a score of 2:1 after a very tense three periods. The team now only stands one point...
ASTANA – A State Botanical Garden with a parkland area of 97.5 hectares is one of the facilities to be constructed in the capital for the upcoming EXPO 2017....
ALMATY – A team of young naturalists from Almaty took first place in the Rodniki (“Springs”) international competition of projects on ecology and local history held in St. Petersburg...
PAVLODAR – State company NAC Kazatomprom acquired 40 percent of the ordinary shares of Caustic per President Nazarbayev’s orders on the creation of a high-grade chemical cluster in the...
ZHAMBYL – The most powerful hydropower plant (9.2 MW) in the region was launched in May 2013 on the Tasotkel Reservoir by “A&T – Energo” and has already generated...
SEMEY – An emergency hospital with the capacity to treat 325 patients officially opened in Semey at the end of December in a ceremony attended by East Kazakhstan Oblast...
ALMATY – Six startup companies received $100,000 in grants to develop their ideas under a “Build Your Business” contest financed by a prominent Kazakh businessman and organized on the...
It is estimated that Kazakhstan had produced 82 million tons of “black gold” in 2013. Experts believe oil production in Kazakhstan is set to increase year on year. Last...
ALMATY – Two dozen Kazakh companies that provide franchising opportunities participated in the KazFranch 2013 exhibition here in December. The event was organised with support from Baiterek National Holding,...
ALMATY – This sprawling city of 1.5 million people located in the picturesque foothills of the Tien Shan Mountains of southeastern Kazakhstan has been named one of the Top...
On New Year’s Eve, as we look back on the year of 2013 quickly rushing by and think of what lies ahead of us in 2014, I think the...
ASTANA – Politicians, officials, business people, bohemia, and the media got together on Dec. 19 for the third annual ceremony of awarding prizes “People’s Favourite 2013”. Numerous nominations included...
ASTANA – At the joint session of the Parliament of Kazakhstan on Dec. 20, members considered President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s proposal to send Kazakh officers to United Nations missions in...
ASTANA – According to the recently published opinion poll by IPSOS Mori, a leading market research company from the U.K., 86 percent of Kazakhstan’s citizens are optimistic about the...
The break-up of the Soviet Union resulted in serious financial, transit, management and political problems for its former states. The emerging relationships between its former constituent parts were initially...
Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia, Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan and Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus met in Moscow on Dec. 24 as part of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council. They discussed...
Kazakhstan’s national Universiade team finished in 15th place in the medals standings at the Dec. 11 – 21 Universiade in Trentino, Italy with two gold medals, two silver and...
ALMATY – The cultural life of the city has been enhanced by the opening of a new gallery at the Gazeeff Art Hall. The exhibition displays the work of...
ASTANA – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Erlan Idrissov reported on the preliminary results of the Foreign Ministry’s activity in 2013 focusing on relations with key international partners,...
Among the people in the former Soviet republics there’s a famous expression: If you don’t lament the collapse of the Soviet Union, you have no heart. If you do,...
SHYMKENT – The Agency for Civil Service Affairs of Kazakhstan held a seminar for journalists from the southern regions on Dec. 23 titled “Civil Service Reform: An Outward Glance...
Relations between the U.S. and Kazakhstan are strong and will continue to grow stronger as mutual interests will continue to push the two countries together into an ever closer...
This year marks the 65th anniversary of the adoption of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights on Dec. 10, 1948. This declaration became the first official international document...
In his 2012 state-of-the-nation address, President Nursultan Nazarbayev identified the development of preventive medicine as a key priority that “should become a major tool in preventing disease.” President of...
ASTANA – A United Nations Development Programme’s “Wider Europe: Aid for Trade for Central Asia, South Caucasus and the Western CIS” project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs...