Articles by Vyacheslav Lebedev

Aisha Bibi Mausoleum Construction Techniques Remain a Mystery to Researchers

“Autumn … Clouds … The Earth is beautiful.” For almost 1,000 years this line in Arabic alphabet Kufic script has decorated the patterned column of the famous Aisha Bibi mausoleum. To date, 28 versions of the legend of Aisha Bibi have been told from generation to generation. A most popular tragic legend tells the story…

Medical Manufacturing Plant Creates Jobs in Aisha Bibi Village

ZHAMBYL OBLAST – A new pharmaceutical manufacturing plant built as part of the government’s Business Road Map 2020 Programme in the village of Aisha Bibi is now providing jobs for 16 local residents. The Super Pharm, LLP plant produces medical clothing and disposable medical underwear made from nonwoven fabric and has the capacity to produce…

Region’s Most Powerful Hydropower Plant Produces Green Energy

ZHAMBYL – The most powerful hydropower plant (9.2 MW) in the region was launched in May 2013 on the Tasotkel Reservoir by “A&T – Energo” and has already generated 8 million KW. That is enough electricity to supply a district like Lugovskoi with three months worth of electricity. Since 2010, the Zhambyl region has been…

Taraz Fashion Show Introduces New Names

TARAZ – On March 14 and 15 young fashion designers from Kazakhstan, Russia, China, Spain and other countries showed their collections at the first Aspara International Fashion Festival, organised by the Taraz Municipal Department of Culture. Winners of the Vanguard and Prêt-a-Porter competitions received monetary prizes and gifts from Symbat Fashion Academy. The catwalk of…

Zhanatas City Undergoes Revival

ZHAMBYL REGION – Zhanatas, the town of miners with the unique phosphate base (60 percent of the country’s reserves), is undergoing rapid growth and economic diversification thanks to the state…