Articles by Muhammad Asif Noor 

Kazakhstan’s Chairmanship in SCO: Achievements and Future Directions

As the chair of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Kazakhstan  hosted the 24th summit of the Council of Heads of State, an important organization representing more than 40% of the world’s population  and contributing over $23 trillion to the global GDP.  The summit convened under the theme “Strengthening Multilateral Dialogue – Striving towards a Sustainable Peace…

Kazakhstan’s Role in CICA Chairmanship

Kazakhstan has become an influential player in global diplomacy and the geopolitical landscape due to its prominent role as the chair of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA).  Navigating the complexities of the global multilateral setting, Kazakhstan’s diplomatic finesse, strategic vision, and proactive engagement have shaped the trajectory of CICA and…